Welcome to RYLA and congratulations on your selection to represent your local Rotary Club!
Please note: Dorm information and driving directions will be posted on the site in the later spring.
Here is some information that you need to be aware of:
Attendance: Students are required to stay for the entire academy session. The curriculum is designed to build on each successive activity, culminating in a fully-developed service leader. Leaving early diminishes the participant’s experience as well as is disruptive for their small group team. Students are also required to attend all sessions and activities.
Transportation: Students are not allowed to transport themselves to or from the academy. Transportation is the responsibility of families. If you have concerns or need help dropping off or picking up your student, contact the Rotary club sponsoring your student.
Please note that we will NOT have a Sunday meal so you will need to eat dinner before you arrive to campus.
Check-In: Sunday evening of the opening day of your session. Check in will be between 6 pm - 6:45 pm. This time is non-negotiable. After you have checked in and helped your student get to their dorm room (if you want to assist them or we have staff on site to help out) we request you plan to leave campus. Families do not need to stay for an orientation or meeting of any kind. Go get yourself an ice cream cone and travel safely! :) To check your student in, forthcoming information and directions will be helpful.
UCM Campus Map: http://www.missouriryla.com/ucm-campusmap-and-directions
Check-Out: Wednesday late afternoon between 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm. This time is non-negotiable. Many parents text their student when they arrive so the student meets them in the parking lot to make departure easier.
Dorms/Sleeping arrangements: Male and female participants stay on completely different floors of the dormitories. Participants stay two students to a room with twin beds. There are several adult chaperones scattered throughout each floor, as well as night monitors in the main lobby and on-site UCM staff.
Bathrooms are en suite with one dorm room per bathroom side.
Meals: All meals and light snacks (nut-free) are provided for the students, including a late snack Sunday evening after we begin our evening. Participants are encouraged to bring (nut-free) personal snacks for breaks, free time and dietary considerations.
Lost Key: There is a lost key charge of $100.
Participant packing list: http://www.missouriryla.com/packing-list
Pillow, bed linens, blankets or a sleeping bag. Bring a wash cloth, towel, alarm clock, and personal toiletries, including soap for your personal bathroom use. University of Central Missouri does not provide these or any other personal items.
Bring comfortable, casual attire for daily wear including tennis shoes. We ask out of respect for others, that you bring school-appropriate clothing. Masks are no longer required so bring as many as you feel comfortable, if any.
Medical Note: Participants are to bring their necessary medications that they will monitor and administer to themselves. It is imperative that you inform Miki McKee Koelsch, Administrative Director, of any special instructions regarding your student’s medication regimen or health concerns that you did not indicate when registering your student.
Electronic devices: Students will have access to their electronic devices (ie phones, iPads, laptops etc) throughout the entirety of the academy. This includes during sessions, free time, etc. supported by academy directors and team counselors. MO RYLA Academy is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to personal items and devices brought by the participants to the academy.
Money: Your student will not need any money while at the academy. We will not be leaving campus, however some years the bowling alley has been available during free time. There is a moderate fee if that option is chosen.
For additional frequently asked questions, check here: http://www.missouriryla.com/faq
Please feel free to contact me for any questions or concerns.
Miki McKee Koelsch, Director of Administration