RYLA Academy Graduates
It is sometimes difficult to gauge what components of the curriculum impact our students until they go home to find their passions for service. Our academy graduates have served in all sorts of projects around the world, as well as developing their own projects with local Rotary clubs and engaged members of their communities.
Here are some of their stories…
“After a family member committed suicide, I started working on a campaign for all to feel worthy and loved and created www.theworthy.com. I am secretary of my Interact Club in my high school, on the board of PreMedica at Mercy Hospital South, created volunteer groups for Belize Children’s project, and serve on a joint Rotary/Interact 5K board.”
“I work with Traction: a local traffic safety group. I wrote piece for international police magazine, hang out with mayor and am a slotted speaker for international conference.”
“I was nominated for the ‘Young Professional Woman of the Year’ Award for Kansas City.”
“I have my PhD in Physical Therapy.”
“I work full-time at the non-profit organization AAA, dispatching emergency response tow trucks. I go to school part-time and volunteer in child care for a recovery program at my church.”
“I made the Honor Roll at Northwest Missouri State University this year. I also was selected as one of 40 college students from 29 states as an organizational ambassador for the Agriculture Future of America (AFA) program. “
“I am in the film program at my university and travel with our athletic department. My goal is to make inspiring documentaries someday.”
“I started a soup kitchen in my very home town when I got home from RYLA. I ran it for the last two years of high school. One of the universities in Missouri learned about my service and gave me a full ride scholarship. I am of Hispanic descent and the first person in my family to attend college. ”
“As sisters, we attended RYLA together. We were inspired by service that we contacted the NBA star Manute Bol to help him build a school in his village in Africa. I am now an officer in the Air Force and my sister has attended culinary school.”
—Mallory and Meredith
“I am on foreign exchange with Rotary in Switzerland!”
“I was named Senior of the Year during my university commencement, was accepted into Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and will be attending American University in Washington, DC. I received four degrees from Westminster in May: environmental studies, global and transnational studies, political science, and philosophy and religious studies. While in my undergrad education, I served as grand scribe of the Skulls of Seven, as president of the Global and Domestic Progress Club, an executive team member of the College’s 2020 Get Out the Vote campaign, Preferred Hospice, raised money for the ALS Foundation, launched a community recycling initiative, promoted stream health policies, and worked behind the scenes on a bill to establish a new Missouri state symbol: the Hellbender Salamander.”
“I am a part of the school’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Chapter. Last year, my FBLA teammate and I placed at the FBLA state conference in our competitive event, Management Decision-Making, and competed at the FBLA national conference in San Antonio, Texas. ”
“I was selected as my community’s Chamber of Commerce “Citizen of the Year.”
“Since RYLA, I met a Rotary foreign exchange student and I’ve taken a lot of interest in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. I am a member of my school’s FBLA club and have recently felt like more of a leader on my cross country team. I’ve taken the plunge and I am currently enrolled in AP classes. I just recently earned my Boy Scout Eagle Scout Award.”
“As a refugee from the east part of Africa, there are things that automatically define the type of life I have endured and the life I am thriving for. Day by day, I remind myself to step up now that I am at school where there are all sorts of struggles. I am trying to use what I am gifted to change my school and mostly the world. Overall, right after RYLA I thought about the student exchange program; how I can take advantage of other opportunities out there. I can only imagine how many refugees would want to have the opportunity.”
“I started an Interact Club in school of 300 with 80 showing up for the first meeting.”
“Sports Locker Magazine has released their March/April issue and I have been blessed to be recognized as the high school sports Manager of the Year sponsored by Capital Region Medical Center. “
“During high school, I lived in domestic shelter with my mother. I joined the JRTC, graduated high school, and have recently signed into U.S. Navy to study nuclear engineering. It came with a $40,000 signing bonus. I plan to make a career in the military.”
“I was born in the Republic of the Congo. Refugee. Immigrant to the United States. High school graduate. University student body president. University graduate. Group Student Exchange member. Married man.”
“I finishing up my Master’s degree in Speech-Language Pathology. I am currently the Missouri student state officer for the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association. Went to Nicaragua for a week to help build a school and dig trenches to bring water to a community. Thankful RYLA helped me feel confident in my abilities!”
“I have earned my PhD in Psychology.
I am active in LGBTQ Rights advocacy in our nation’s capitol.”
“I organized a toy collection for Toys for Tots, a Miracle Minute for Mizzouthon during a basketball game, a meal for the Salvation Army, Pink Out shirts for the American Cancer Society.”
“I am currently on a year Youth Exchange trip to Brazil!”
“I graduated from RYLA over 10 years ago. I have a family and a professional career in engineering. I use what I learned at RYLA all the time. I just recently saw the rotary club who sponsored me and they knew me on sight.”
“I was recognized by the White House in 2015 winning the President’s Environmental Youth Award. I later went on to get the Hellbender designated at Missouri’s Official State Endangered Species. I was selected for the MO RYLA Academy Michael Beahon ‘Service Above Self’ Award.”
“I am a second year law student and served an internship for the governor of Missouri.”
“I am in pharmacy school where I participate in free diabetes and heart disease screenings across Missouri.”
“I graduated with two Bachelors of Arts in Biochemistry and Exercise Science, as well as with a minor in Public Health! I have accepted a position with Barnes Jewish Downtown St. Louis.”
“I have graduated and am now a RN.”
“I am finishing my Masters Degree in International Relations with a focus on Social Justice. I have great aspirations to better this world and it all started that summer at RYLA.””
“I was named a top rated project in the National FFA Agriscience Fair. My project involves applying gibberellic acid to sugar cane to speed their growth to possibly make sugar cane a viable US crop for ethanol production.”
“I graduated this year as one of the first fire science majors from College of the Ozarks. I work as a firefighter for the Ozark Fire Protection District and as an EMT for the Taney County Ambulance District. When I am not on duty I started helping at Least of These, which helps feed families across Christian county. I loved RYLA because it motivated me to go out and make a difference and I also got to meet a ton of awesome people at RYLA! I joined my RYLA sponsoring Rotary club in May 2020 and got married in June 2020. I was just selected as Fireman Of The Year for the Ozark region. It has been a great year for me!”