Rotary Youth Exchange

How do I qualify?

•      Above average student who has demonstrated leadership in the community

•      Open to new experiences and cultural differences

•      Sponsored by a local Rotary club

•      Completed written application and in-person interview

How much will it cost?

•      Cost varies from one area to another since it is coordinated by Rotary districts and clubs.

•      In general, students and parents cover these expenses:

o   Round-trip airfare

o   Health and accident insurance

o   Travel documents

o   Clothing and other necessities

o   Spending money

o   Emergency funds for unpredicted expenses

o   Extra travel and tours

•      In most clubs and districts, students do not pay placement fees.

•      Students and parents do not pay:

o   Room and board (paid by host families)

o   School tuition and arrangements (paid by host community)

•      Host Rotary club usually offers a small monthly stipend ($50-100)


What are my responsibilities?

•      You agree to:

o   Act as an ambassador for your home country

o   Abide by all program rules of your host Rotary club and district

o   Accept the supervision of the host family, club and district

o   Ask questions of your host family and local Rotarians

o   Be an active participant in your exchange


Where will my exchange be?

•     Takes place in more than 150 countries and geographical areas.

•     The country you visit depends on your home Rotary district