What to Look For When You’re Out of Esteem

There are certain symptoms you can look for when you’re having a bad day.

Chances are you are either out (or running out) of esteem.


Attention-getting misbehavior

Lying to save face


    Fantasy, day-dreaming, trancing out

    Crying and depression

    Passive resistance

    Yelling and screaming


     Complaining and self-pity

    Anxiety and worry

     Depression and fatigue

     Psychosomatic problems

     Malicious judgments about yourself or others

    Herd mentality exhibited in blind following of leaders

    Authoritarianism and phobic reactions



    Refusal to comply or cooperate

    Extreme aloofness and withdrawal

    Snobbish, put-down remarks and sarcasm

    Refusal to communicate – the silent treatment

    Perfectionism due to severe performance anxiety

    Highly critical attitudes toward yourself and others


    Rudeness and defiance

    Breaking the rules intentionally

    Running away and dropping out

    Use of stimulants

    Acting out boisterously

    Lying and cheating

   Physical aggressiveness